Aged 11 to 18 who can swim at least 50m in clothes.
Jockey Club Sha Tin Rowing Centre: 27 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin
; or
Jockey Club Shek Mun Rowing Centre
Enrolment Method
- Completed the enrollment on https://hkcra.justgo.com ,before two weeks prior to the commencement of the course. Online Enrollment Demonstration
- A confirmation letter will be sent by email before the commencement of the course. Once the confirmation letter is sent, no changing course, transferring and refund will be accepted.
- If the course cannot be held as scheduled, HKCRA will inform those applicants by email. If no notification is received in 3 days before the commencement of the course, please contact our staff for enquiry.
- Application will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Make-up class may arrange if the course is affected by inclement weather. For detailed arrangement for inclement weather, please check with HKCRA website. Guideline for Rowing Courses on Different Weather Conditions
- HKCRA reserves the right to amend all course arrangement.
An Attendance Certificate will be issued to those with 80% or above attendance rate. For Intermediate, continuous and cross over course, a Proficiency Certificate will be issued to participants who pass the skill and knowledge test.
An administration fee of HK$50 will be charged for each newly issued certificate.
Sculling Technical Assessment Content
- Intermediate and Continuous Sculling Assessment Content (Chinese Version Only)
Any sculling certificate obtained overseas cannot be applied to the Hong Kong, China Rowing Association(HKCRA). If necessary, HKCRA will also provide a scull technical test(Water Assessment). Once qualified, a “Proficiency Certificate” will be issued on the same day. For enquiries on fees and details, please contact our staff, at 2696 2337 or email to rowingcourse@rowing.org.hk.
Tel: (852) 2696 2337
E-mail: rowingcourse@rowing.org.hk
Course Timetable
- 2024-2025 Youth Rowing Course Phase 1 (April to June) (Published on 14/3/2024)
- [NEW!] 2024-2025 Youth Rowing Course Phase 2 (July to September) (Published on 14/6/2024)
- Organization / Club Course Application Form