Anti Doping

Anti-doping Rules of the HKCRA

The use of performance enhancing drugs and doping practices by Members, Registered Rowers and rower support personnel of the Hong Kong, China Rowing Association (abbreviated as “the Association” hereunder) and those taking part in activities organized by the Association or any Club is strictly prohibited. All Members, Registered Rowers and rower support personnel of the Association and those taking part in activities organized by the Association or any Club, shall comply fully with the latest Anti-Doping Rules of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, the Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee and the Anti-Doping Bye-Laws of FISA. Any person in breach of this provision or assisting in a breach by others will be subject to disqualification in accordance with Rule 72 and suspension or termination of membership in accordance with Article 14 of the Articles of Association. The Board reserves the right to communicate details of any breach to the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China and the Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee and FISA.

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